Top Reasons to Consider Sharing the Gift of Sight This Holiday Season

January 10, 2020 Published by Leave your thoughts

Did you know that 75 percent of adults need some sort of vision correction? Whether it’s eyeglasses or contact lenses, 42 percent of men and over 50 percent of women require some sort of aid to see clearly. Unfortunately, people ignore their worsening eyesight because they worry about the cost, hassle or change to their appearance. Now is the time to get your loved ones the best present of all: gift certificates for designer eyewear in New Orleans, LA. Here’s why.


If someone you care about is really starting to struggle with his or her vision, there’s no time to delay getting them to an optometrist. From driving to walking, and reading to cooking, there are so many tasks that demand proper vision. A person not using contact lenses or designer eyewear in New Orleans, LA is putting himself or herself at risk along with those around them.

Overall wellness

Those struggling to see clearly usually suffer from terrible headaches. This is due to them having to strain their eyes to see anything. This strain builds up and causes blinding headaches that get in the way of daily responsibilities as well as fun activities.

Enhanced performance

Consider how hard it would be to do your job, manage household chores and spend time doing things you enjoy if you can’t see very well. Adults who finally make the investment in eyeglasses or contact lenses notice a marked improvement in so many aspects of their lives.

Prevent further damage

Regular visits to an eye doctor and investing in the proper eyewear can minimize ocular damage and vision loss moving forward. As people age, it’s common for presbyopia to occur, causing a person’s near focusing ability to diminish. This even occurs in people with nearsightedness. Rather than ignoring the problem and allowing it to worsen, give someone you love the gift of sight this holiday season.

Considerate gift

Perhaps you’ve noticed your friend or family member squinting frequently or struggling to explain what he or she sees. Now that it’s the holiday season, there’s no better time to show you care. A gift certificate to an optometrist or eyeglasses shop shows that you want to help without nagging or haranguing. A gift certificate to an eye doctor or eyeglasses company store tells your loved one that it’s okay to seek assistance, and that you are there for support.

The gift of vision

Once a person can clearly see himself or herself in a new pair of stylish glasses, their whole demeanor brightens. Not only does unencumbered vision make everything so much easier, but it boosts people’s confidence when they like the stunning new glasses they bought. The gift of vision is one that keeps on giving.

Art & Eyes offers gift certificates so you can give the gift of sight to the people on your holiday list. Our helpful, resourceful staff and selection of designer eyewear in New Orleans, LA are unrivaled in the area. Let us work with the person you love to find the perfect pair of eyeglasses for the new year. Visit us to buy gift certificates today.

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