Should I Get Prescription Sunglasses?
Many people consider prescription sunglasses to be a good investment. With prescription sunglasses, you can protect your eyes against harmful UV rays and look good at the same time. Prescription sunglasses come in a huge variety of styles, so you’re sure to find a pair that you love. That said, there are some disadvantages to prescription sunglasses that you should be aware of. Read on to learn more about prescription sunglasses and their advantages and disadvantages.
Advantages of prescription sunglasses
Some people choose to get contacts so they can still wear their favorite sunglasses with ease. However, contact lenses aren’t a good option for everyone. This is especially true if you plan on wearing contact lenses to the beach or in a similar sandy setting. Sand and water can easily irritate contact lenses and can sometimes result in a bacterial infection. This isn’t an issue with prescription sunglasses, though.
Prescription sunglasses offer protection against glares from bodies of water, windows, snow and much more. With prescription sunglasses, you won’t have to worry about that blinding glare affecting your eyes all day. Prescription sunglasses also provide value through 100 percent UV protection, which you don’t always get with traditional tinted lenses. Proper UV protection can help lessen the chances of you developing cataracts and other eye problems.
One of the best things about prescription sunglasses is that you can see while sporting your favorite style. As mentioned above, prescription sunglasses come in all different styles, including aviators, wayfarers, sport styles and much more.
Disadvantages of prescription sunglasses
As with most things, there are some major disadvantages to prescription sunglasses. For one, you’ll have to constantly switch out your glasses when it’s sunny. That means carrying around two pairs of glasses everywhere. Finding the right place to store the glasses you aren’t using can also be a hassle. Some people hang the glasses they aren’t using on their shirt collar. However, glasses can easily fall and break when hanging from a shirt collar in this manner.
Another problem with prescription sunglasses is that they can be quite expensive. This is especially true if you’re looking for designer sunglasses. That said, there are many places where you can get top-quality prescription sunglasses at a fair value. Sometimes, insurance will even cover prescription sunglasses.
Remember, your glasses prescription can change over time. That means you may end up having to buy another pair of prescription sunglasses. Since some sunglasses styles are expensive, you could end up spending a lot of money on prescription shades over the years.
Are prescription sunglasses worth the cost?
The answer to this question all comes down to your specific needs and wants. Are you okay dealing with contact lenses just so you can wear sunglasses? Does the idea of carrying around two pairs of glasses seem like too much of a hassle? It’s smart to discuss your options with a local specialist. They can offer advice that will make your decision much easier.
If you’re in the market for prescription sunglasses or any other frames, visit Art & Eyes. We offer a huge variety of custom frames and lenses from local and international artisans.
Categorised in: Sunglasses